

A Game of Nice Tries and Naughty Lies…

A limited release Holiday Party game! Jingle is a bidding, bluffing bell game where players vie to outlast their opponents to be the king of jingling. This Christmas play the game that will rock the night away!



OBJECTIVE: Be the last remaining player with bells.

This version of Jingle is great for younger Carollers! For a more challenging game see: Jingle All the Way

Divide the bells evenly among all players. (Ex. For a 4 Player game, each player should be given 3 bells.) All players place their bells in their left hand. Each round, players will strategically select a number of bells to move to their right hand to have in play.

When a player has secretly selected the number of bells (0-6) with which they wish to play they will hold their right hand containing the bells over the table. When all players have their hands out, the round begins.

Beginning with the Jolliest player, players will take turns guessing the total number of bells they believe are collectively in play. The player to their left continues play. A guess may be higher or lower but cannot repeat another player's guess. All players will have the opportunity to guess once. When every player has had a chance to guess all players will reveal the bells in play. Count the collective number the bells. Whoever was closest, without guessing higher than the total number of bells, wins that round and does not have to give up a bell. All other players give up one bell to the pot from their right hand. If they were naughty and had no bells in their hand then they do not have to put any into the pot.

A player, on their turn, may choose to call one of either Nice! Naughty! or Jingle!

Calling “Nice!” A player who calls “Nice!” on themselves wagers the number of bells in their right hand that their guess will be exactly correct. If a player calls “Nice!” and is right, then they win that many bells from the pot (if applicable). If a player calls “Nice!” and is wrong, then they lose that many bells to the pot. A player may not call “Nice!” and be “Naughty!” At the same time.

Calling “Naughty!” A player who calls Naughty! on another player wagers a bell against that player. A player is Naughty if they haven't put any bells in play. If the targeted player does not have a bell in their hand, they must give a bell from their left hand to the player who accused them. If the targeted player has at least one bell in their right hand, then the player who called them out hands them one bell.

Calling “Jingle!” A player may pay one bell to the pot to call “Jingle!” and all players loosen their grip and shake their right hand for 5-10 seconds (Enough to reasonably make noise with the bells). Use this wisely to give yourself an advantage and potentially catch a Naughty player!

The last player with bells remaining wins!




Objective: Be the last remaining player with bells.

Divide the bells evenly among all players. (Ex. For a 4 Player game, each player should be given 3 bells.) All players place their bells in their non-dominant hand. Each round, players will strategically select a number of bells to move to their dominant hand to have in play.

When a player has secretly selected the number of bells with which they wish to play, they will hold their domincant hand containing the bells over the table. When all players have their hands out, the round begins.

Beginning with the player whose birthday is closest to Christmas, players will take turns guessing the total number of bells they believe are collectively in play. Once they have guessed, the next player to their left may choose to increase the guess, or to call 'Nice' or 'Naughty.' If the guess is increased then play continues clockwise. Once Nice or Naughty is called, the round ends and all players reveal the bells in play.

A player may call Nice if they agree with the previous player's guess. If that guess is exactly correct, both nice players take one bell from all remaining players. You may not call nice with only two remaining players. If the guess is not correct, it is merely a silent night, no action is needed, and play resumes to the next round.

A player may call Naughty when they believe the previous player's guess is higher than the actual collective number of bells. When Naughty is called, 1 of 3 things may happen next:

  • If there are more bells than guessed, the accuser loses one bell to the accused

  • If there are fewer bells than guessed the accused pays one bell to the accuser.

  • If the guess of the accused is exactly right, the accuser loses all bells in play to the accused.

The more bells a player gains, the easier it is for them to be in control. Adversly, they also have potentially more to lose.

Players who have no bells are eliminated from play, and the last remaining player with bells in their hand wins!



Objective: Be the last remaining player with bells.

Divide the bells evenly among all players. (For a 4 Player game, each player should be given 3 bells.) All players place their bells in their non-dominant hand. Each round, players will strategically select a number of bells (0+) to move to their dominant hand to have in play.

Beginning with the player who most recently drank hot cocoa, players will take turns guessing the total number of bells in play. On their turn, they must close their eyes and listen closely. If this player is prone to peaking at presents before Christmas morning, they may be asked nicely to turn away from the table.

The remaining players hold out their dominant hand containing the bells over the table, and simultaneously reveal them to eachother. In a loose grip, they briefly shake their bells for 2-3 seconds.

The player with closed eyes then attempts to guess how many collective bells are in play. If they guess exactly right, they acquire all bells in play into their hand.

Alternatively, if a the player with closed eyes beleives someone does not have any bells in play, they may call "Naughty", and specify they player they accuse. If they are correct, the Naughty player loses all bells (in play or otherwise) to their accuser. If they are incorrect, they must bring good tidings, and lose one bell to the accused.

Play repeats by continuing with the player to the left.

The fewer bells risked, the easier it is for the player to listen and guess.

Players who have no bells are eliminated from play, and the last remaining player with bells in their hand wins!

Are Ya Listenin'?

OBJECTIVE: Be the last remaining player with bells.

Divide the bells evenly among all players. (For a 4 Player game, each player should be given 3 bells.) All players place their bells in their non-dominant hand. Each round, players will strategically select a number of bells (0+) to move to their dominant hand to have in play.

Beginning with the player who most recently drank hot cocoa, players will take turns guessing the total number of bells in play. On their turn, they must close their eyes and listen closely. If this player is prone to peaking at presents before Christmas morning, they may be asked nicely to turn away from the table.

The remaining players hold out their dominant hand containing the bells over the table, and simultaneously reveal them to eachother. In a loose grip, they briefly shake their bells for 2-3 seconds.

The player with closed eyes then attempts to guess how many collective bells are in play. If they guess exactly right, they acquire all bells in play into their hand.

Alternatively, if a the player with closed eyes beleives someone does not have any bells in play, they may call "Naughty", and specify they player they accuse. If they are correct, the Naughty player loses all bells (in play or otherwise) to their accuser. If they are incorrect, they must bring good tidings, and lose one bell to the accused.

Play repeats by continuing with the player to the left.

The fewer bells risked, the easier it is for the player to listen and guess.

Players who have no bells are eliminated from play, and the last remaining player with bells in their hand wins!



Jingle is a special edition limited release for the holidays.

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